Monday, February 14, 2011

Draw The Line Yawwww!


Hye Guys!

First skali, salam maulidur Rasul utk semua, semoga hidup anda lebih baik dr smlm...

Well2, skrg ni aku tgk makin ramai yg dah terlupa atau terlepas pandang terhadap isu2 sensitif kat sekeliling kite...
Mungkin mereka xtau, atau mmg xsensitif lgsung!
Biasa lah hidup dalam komuniti masyarakat berbilang kaum ni payah skit...
Bile tegur nnti die dok keluarkan hadis die la kitab die la nk ckp sal aurat...
But, even though it is not haram, please respect others sensitivity too..
U can wear whatever u want in ur small little room, but please respect others in ur neighborhood...
Even we are all the same gender, but the line is still there..
Draw the line yaww!
We didn't want to see urs as we have ours~

Have some shame on u!

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